Show Your Eyes Some Love This Year

eye test by Ophthalmologist in optical labFebruary tends to be the month of the year when we hear the most about love. Beyond the candy hearts and cards, we believe there are many ways in which love can be expressed. Some of the expressions of love need to be directed toward self, and one of the easiest ways for people to do that is to take care of their health and wellness. At Roholt Vision Institute facilities, we provide a variety of services that help our patients maintain not only optimal vision but the best possible eye health. Here, we discuss some of the services that you may want to explore this year.

Annual Eye Exam

Routine vision checks performed at an optometry office are nice. They can tell you how well your eyes are working in terms of visual clarity. However, optometry exams fall short in telling you how well your eyes are functioning overall. Several of the eye diseases that require treatment do not provide immediate clues. Some, like glaucoma, are very subtle. This particular condition is described as “silent” for a reason; it doesn’t present symptoms until it has progressed to a point of irreparable damage to the optic nerve. Annual eye exams performed by an ophthalmologist check various aspects of the eyes, including intraocular pressure and the observation of the cornea, optic nerve, and other structures.

Laser Treatment

The field of ophthalmology has improved significantly as a result of various laser technologies. In our offices, patients benefit from our use of the latest, proven laser techniques. These include LASIK, SMILE Vision Correction, and femtosecond laser cataract surgery.


Cataracts are a frustrating problem to have. Fortunately, this common eye disease can be corrected with professional care. While it can take years for cataracts to severely distort vision, this gradual progression could actually work against you. Because vision changes bit by bit, some people get accustomed to these changes and do not see their ophthalmologist for proper treatment. Our cataract removal procedures can be performed with sophisticated laser technology that lends to the most accurate visual outcomes.


We mentioned glaucoma as a “silent” eye disease that may only be detected during a routine, comprehensive eye exam. Truthfully, though, this condition can present symptoms at some point. The concern is that, because symptoms occur as a  result of optic nerve damage, the loss of vision that occurs with glaucoma cannot be restored. Patients with glaucoma are monitored closely and managed with medication or other therapies as needed to preserve their vision.

At Roholt Vision Institute, we care about all things related to your eye health. To schedule a visit in Canfield, Alliance, or North Canton, contact us today.

Posted in: Eye Care

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